Kate Beaumont


Imane is French-Moroccan, and lives with her English partner Jack in Berlin. She travelled over to try on my dresses, and fell in love with Viola, which she asked me to make for her with the sleeves and belt made from the cream-coloured scallop lace we use for Astilbe, rather than Viola’s original silver. She accessorised with a silk hair bow and heart earrings, which looked fantastic.

Ims and Jack married in London – no mean feat with Covid travel restrictions making everything seem rather uncertain for a time… In fact Imane was able to work in the UK for the month before the wedding, meaning we were able to have her final fitting and collection in that time too.

Their wedding was held at the beautiful Burgh House in London’s Hampstead Heath, which they filled with stunning fresh and dried flowers. Afterwards they headed back to The Pilgrm hotel to celebrate with music, dancing and drinks into the night.

“I got our pictures and I thought of sharing them with you as my dress looks divine! I could wear it again and again and again! Jack and I had such a blast at our wedding. We loved every bit of it and miss the day already!!

You have been amazing Kate doing my dress with Brexit and a Pandemic in between! I can't thank you enough! Jack and I were the happiest on our day and the dress definitely made me feel the prettiest.” Imane

Images: The Curries

Imane and Jack’s wedding was featured on The Wedding Collective blog - click here to read more