Kate Beaumont



Covid-related circumstances definitely made Emily one of my most decisive brides to date. Not only did she book and plan a wedding in just three months, she also narrowed down her dress search magnificently, and after a very jolly Zoom chat we could arrange for me to post her down 4 bias-cut styles to try on at home in London, along with some silk colour swatches. After a lovely weekend trying them on over Zoom for her closest friends and family, she then showed me how everything looked on, and after returning the frocks, let me know that Viola was the one for her. Emily asked me to lower the back V neckline a little, but otherwise kept everything just as it was designed.

Emily and Stephen married at the Bloomsbury Hotel in London; their ceremony was held in the Library and their meal in the Chapel. In between the two they walked over to the nearby Montague Garden owned by the Bedford Estate where they were able to move around more freely outdoors and enjoy the company of their guests!

“Thank you so much for Viola, it was amazing to wear – I felt absolutely fab in it. I even managed not to get it too dirty on the London streets (and got plenty of compliments from passersby).” Emily

Images: Ami Robertson Wedding Photographer